Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the surgical procedure through which an augmentation of the size of breasts is obtained by using implants silicone gel.

Implants can be inserted trans areola most convenient, without scarring, or in the sub mammary channel with minimal scarring. They can be placed sub glandular, under the pectoral muscle or under the pectoral muscle fascia. It is also possible to increase their size with fat transplant, after wearing a medical device like a milking pump breast milk. Hospitalization for one day is required. Pain is minimal.

Introduction of implants and mammary prosthesis are one of the most aesthetic solutions for correcting small breasts. Using this technique the surgical recovery is very fast (only 2 weeks) with a barely noticeable scar at 2 months (and almost invisible after 1 year) due to the high speed recovery capacity of the mammary areola. The technique is performed using special instruments, under permanent professional supervision, which enables a precise surgery, minimally traumatic, without the bleeding of the breast. As for the mammary gland its function is not disturbed more than when other techniques are used. The anatomical structure of the mammary channel is maintained. In conclusion, although this technique is a more difficult surgery, it has more advantages for the patient for breast augmentation.

Silicone breasts implants 

Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel — a thick, sticky fluid that closely mimics the feel of human fat. Silicone breast implants are available to women after 18 years old and for breast reconstruction to women of any age.

What are the risks of breast implants?

  • Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture)
  • Local pain
  • Local infection
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation, usually temporary
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Correcting any of these complications might require additional surgery, either to remove or replace the implants.

What happens if an implant breaks?

If a silicone breast implant breaks, you might not notice right away — or ever — because any free silicone tends to remain trapped in the fibrous tissue (capsule) that forms around the implant. This is known as a silent break. Leaking silicone gel isn’t thought to cause systemic or long-term health problems — such as breast cancer, or connective tissue disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Still, a broken silicone breast implant might eventually cause breast pain or changes in the contour or shape of the breast.

If this happens, your doctor will likely recommend surgical removal. If you wish, a new implant can usually be inserted at the same time. If an MRI scan detects an implant breakage but you don’t have any signs or symptoms, it might be up to you and your doctor to weigh the risks and benefits of keeping the implant in place or having it removed.

Is the safety of breast implants actively monitored?

Yes. Silicone breast implants are considered safe for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. Long-term follow-up studies on new devices — in which researchers look for evidence of continued safety and effectiveness of saline and silicone breast implants — are ongoing.

What factors should I consider before getting breast implants?

  • Breast implants won’t prevent your breasts from sagging. To correct sagging breasts, you might need to consider a breast lift in addition to breast augmentation.
  • Breast implants aren’t guaranteed to last a lifetime. Implant breakage is a possibility. Also, your breasts will continue to age after augmentation — and factors such as weight gain or weight loss might further change the way your breasts look. Any of these issues might lead to additional surgery.

Mammograms might be more complicated. If you have breast implants, routine mammograms might require additional, specialized views. In case your doctor recommends a MRI and a leakage is found, additional procedures are needed. Breast implants don’t affect breast feeding. Some women are able to successfully breast-feed after breast augmentation, but there also others who cannot.

Should you decide to have your implants removed, you might need a breast lift or other corrective surgery to help your breasts maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Choosing the implant type is, ultimately, your choice, based on your doctor’s counseling and breasts simulation. The implants are safe and the proof is 50 years of practice since the first patient.

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