Lips Augmentation
Voluptuous, sensual lips are part of the ideal portrait of today’s beauty. Consequently, the lips augmentation treatments are more required in the aesthetic surgery’s office nowadays.
What do our lips contain? They are formed by external skin, labial glands, muscular tissue at the middle and mucous membrane on the inside. The size and the form of the lips depend firstly of the hereditary factors. The girls have the chance to inherit the lips of the father and reverse. Because of the labial glands atrophy, the lips tend to become thinner while we are getting old.
Surgical augmentation of lips: This procedure consists of making numerous incisions in the inner part of the lip and rearranging the lip tissue. In my opinion, this procedure does not offer a remarcable result (1-1,5 mm augmentation central or lateral) and the recovery period is long (10-20 days). There can also be made excisions in the exterior part of the lip or nose but inaesthetic scars can remain.
The interventions for the lips need a period of recovery before the patient could present himself normally in the society. In case of simple techniques with hyaluronic acid injection, you must wait 24 – 48 hours that the initial inflammation and the bruises disappear. It is very important to avoid aspirin, products containing aspirin and excessive mobility of the lips, because that could bring bruises for 5 – 7 days.
The procedure of lips augmentation using own fat tissue can bring to some bruises and inflammations that need 7 days to disappear and to present yourself normally in the society. Those procedures are realized under local anesthesia. After the intervention you have to maintain rigorous oral hygiene: use of the mouthwash (you have to avoid to brush you teeth for a few days), you must avoid eating solid aliments, too hot, chewing gum and doing mimic efforts.
The risks of the procedure can also include:
- Asymmetries: there are some areas which can appear bigger or smaller on one part of the lip; they need a certain period to become symmetric;
- Scars from the incisions lines: occasionally, the incision can thicken. It is treated by anesthesia of that area or with a diluted cortisone (seldom, by surgery).
Reducing lips dimension is designed for the patients disturbed by the fact that their lips are too voluminous (disproportional with the figure). It consists in an excision (one or two sessions) of a mucosa piece (inside), under local or general anesthesia. The edema can take 7 – 10 days post operative with rest.
One of the most frequent lips correction interventions after congenital defects is hare lip plasty, which does not need hospitalization. The evolution and the postoperative care are similar cu that of the lips augmentation.