Surgical Augmentation or Decreasement of Lips. The Surgery of the “Rabbit Lip”.
Augmentation or decreasement of lips surgically
It can refer to interventions to increase lip (usually) the reduction of lips (when visible too high) or lip correction following defects.
Surgical augmentation of lips is rare today due to the increased performance of hyaluronic acid products. This involves making several incisions in the inside of the lip and lip tissue rearrangement. This procedure is not giving a remarkable result (1-1.5 mm zoom, central or lateral) and convalescence is long (10-20 days). Excisions can be made in the outer lip or nose but can remain unaesthetic scar.
After intervention will maintain a rigorous oral hygiene: wash your mouth with water after every meal (avoid brushing with brushes a few days) will avoid coarse foods, too hot, chewing gum and efforts to mimic (laughter etc.)
Risks of the lip procedures may include, in addition to general (any associated with surgery):
- Asymmetries: There are areas that may appear larger or smaller than one part or another of the lips and need some time to become symmetric or retouching.
- Scars on line incisions: In rare cases, the incision can thicken. It can be treated by numbing the area and injected it with diluted cortisone or, in rare cases, scars surgery revision.
Surgical interventions on lips require a recovery period before the patient goes out in society. In the case of simple injectable treatments with hyaluronic acid, you need to wait approximately 24-48 hours for the initial inflamation and bruises to recover. It is very important to avoid aspirin, products containing aspirin and excesive movement of lips, because they can cause bruises that can last for five – seven days.
Lips increasement using personal fat transplant can lead to bruising and swelling, taking about seven to ten days of recovery before you can feel comfortable and presentable (that is you can return to work or leave the home) . These procedures are performed under local anesthesia.
Decreasement lip surgery
Lip reduction intervention for patients who are disturbed that have lips too large (disproportionate figure). Consists of excision (in a session or two) of a fragment of mucosa (inside) under local or general anesthesia. Edema (swelling) may last 7-10 days postoperatively requiring rest at home.
The surgery of “the rabbit lip”
One of the most common interventions for lip correction after congenital lip defects is rabbit lip plasty . Like other lip plasty, this intervention does not require hospitalization. Evolution and postoperative care are similar to those of surgical lip enlargement.