Melissa Happel, New Albany, IN USA


I wanted to make sure that you, Dr. Diana Jianu and your beautiful team at ProEstetica, knows how much I appreciate the wonderful and highly professional care I received here at my time of need. Just having surgery 2 weeks prior to coming to Romania I know something had badly gone wrong. I was scared of the unknown, not knowing what was going on with body, being so far from home (USA), not speaking Romanian, or knowing the medical standard here in Romania. But ALL of my worries quickly left in I got to ProEstetica. I truly felt the care and concern for my well-being immediately. Such quick and thorough medical care I received! Better than I had received from my doctor in the States, who was considered the best? Everyone that I came in contact with during my emergency surgery and office visits were the best! Please know and let your beautiful team know how blessed I feel to have been touch by their hands and hearts!


Melissa Happel,
New Albany, IN USA

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